Lit by Love from mumma ❤️ And bella, Harry mowgli, mum2 and your other sister pickle ❤️ 20th July 2020
Il always love you boo even if mumma doesn’t speak out loud to you every day it doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten you or stopped loving you darling. And don’t ever ever ever think that the ‘Pickle’ I have here now is replacing you, she’s just a new sister for you. I love her because I think you in some way sent her to me to help me cope. And I love you so much for that sweetheart. You though, molly.. you are and will always been my ‘pickle’ too, my Molly-pickle. And I miss you every single day. I hope your ok sweetheart. Tell meggy I love her too, ..and you be nice to meggy :) play nicely, give meggy kisses and play with your toys darlin. Play with creampuff and cuddle into mummas top whenever you feel abit sad. Cos mummas always here ❤️ It’s going to be ok darlin. Your my good girl and Il come back one day. I promise il come back one day. It may take a long time though so you just keep playing and be happy darlin. Don’t worry about me, as long as mollys happy then il be happy too. I love you sooooo much I’m sending you a big cuddle and kisses. Love you molly, my molly-pickle. Love you so much. Xxxxxx